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Supplier Regulation Code


AgriMall Limited through its Service brand name “Agricvendor” actively pursues continuous relationships with Sellers/Suppliers based on responsible business practices, trust, and sustainable sourcing across the supply chain to meet the standard of its buyers and corresponding partners.


The Agricvendor Supplier Regulation Code provides a complete set of conditions to support Agricvendor’s goal to provide access to market, Inputs, agronomic analytics, financial services, and various supplies in accordance with our crop buying partners' minimum requirements that are produced in a manner that is socially responsible, economically profitable and environmentally sustainable.


By acceptance of this Code, the Supplier agrees to offer an inclusive set of conditions to support Agricvendor’s aforementioned objectives


Supplier Regulation Code, by accepting these Codes, the partner agrees to:

1.  Guarantee the Quality of Products and or Services by:

  • Meeting the quality and safety standards required by Agricvendor regulatory requirements, and applicable laws in accordance with Agricvendor product and or service quality specifications. Wherever possible and requested, providing traceability for the product and or services of the company along the upstream supply and demand chain.

2. Ensure no exploitation within their operations with Agricvendor by:

  • Not using forced, involuntary, or slave labor, including but not limited to bonded, indentured, involuntary prison labor, as well as trafficked human beings.

  • Creating an inclusive work environment that avoids any form of discrimination. All forms of harassment, including sexual harassment, intimidation, and abuse or threat are not permissible.

  • Respecting employees’ rights to form and join unions or other associations, and to bargain collectively; unless prevented by local applicable laws.

  • Providing fair salaries and benefits that are in accordance with applicable laws, industry standards, and collective agreements.

  • Complying with all applicable ILO standards, national legal requirements, and industry standards pertaining to working time.

  • Complying with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 138 on the Minimum Age of Employment and Convention 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour (is a prerequisite when applicable in the relevant jurisdiction).

  • Providing an adequate and safe work environment and accommodation (where provided) in accordance with applicable national health and safety laws and international conventions.

  • Preventing accidents and injury arising out of, associated with, or occurring in the course of work, by minimizing causes of hazards in the work environment.

  • Encouraging gender equality, equal access, and empowerment of women in line with SDG goals 2020.

3. Commit to corporate governance and integrity by:

  • Complying with all relevant applicable laws and regulations that govern their operations, business, industry, trade, and personnel, and respecting contractual obligations entered with Agricvendor.

  • Prohibiting any corrupt or unethical practices, such as paying bribes for any purpose. Agricvendor understands a bribe as being an inducement or reward offered, promised, or provided in order to gain any commercial, contractual, regulatory, or personal advantage. A bribe can be any form of payment, benefit, or gift which is offered or given with the purpose of influencing or catalyzing a decision or outcome.

4. Respect local communities by:

  • Preventing and adequately addressing any adverse health and safety impact of their operations on surrounding communities.

  • Respecting the rights of local communities and indigenous people and their cultural heritage, including Free, Prior, and Informed Consent for new developments

  • Not participating in or benefitting from illegally forced relocations.

5. Ensure compliance by:

  • Making their partners or subcontractors fully aware of this Regulation Code and its meaning.

  • Communicating the contents of this Code to their employees.

  • Advising Agricvendor immediately of any issues that are inconsistent with the principles of the Code


Partner Declaration




I …………………………………………………………………. hereby declare that on behalf of my organization, ………………………………………………… I have read and understood the Agricvendor SUPPLIER REGULATION CODE in its entirety, and the organization and our sub-partners are in full compliance with this policy and will maintain compliance with it throughout our business dealings with Agricvendor across our supply chain.


I have also acknowledged that Agricvendor shall be paid the agreed fees, discounts, and prices that have been agreed upon and such remittances should be done within the stipulated time frame after services are being rendered to the target users. Agricvendor also reserves the right to conduct (or have its designated conduct) announced and unannounced inspections of our facilities and business practices to verify compliance with this Code. On the assumption that Agricvendor becomes aware of non-compliance with any aspect of the Code, Agricvendor reserves the right to demand corrective measures.


Agricvendor also reserves the right to terminate an agreement with any partner that is not in compliance with the requirements set forth in this document. Note: Agricvendor prohibits bribery and corruption in all forms. Agricvendor personnel cannot, whether dealing with the government or with private enterprises or individuals, directly or indirectly, offer, promise, give, demand, or accept any bribe or other undue advantage in order to obtain, retain or direct business or secure any other improper advantage in the conduct of business.


By becoming a Supplier, you confirm the commitment of your company, or any subsidiary, to complying with the standards laid out in the Agricvendor Supplier Regulation Code


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